ProfitApps Mobile Phone Application

Am trying a quick method of creating a mobile phone app. The mobile phone builder I’m using is called ProfitApp
To create the app you just insert 3 lines of code; Name, Domain Link, and FAV Icon Link is a wordpress website, so to use the program ProfitApp to create the phone app you will need to put some javascript code in the header (note: I am also using this plugin to put in a snippet of code in the footer for another program called ADA also.) The plugin:

Header Footer Code Manager by 99robots is a quick and simple way for you to add tracking code snippets, conversion pixels, or other scripts required by third party services for analytics, tracking, marketing, or chat functions. For detailed documentation, please visit the plugin’s official page.

Here is what it looks like and where you put in the javascript code.
Insert the javascript header code:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>
and upload the serviceWorker.js file to your main directory and you have a working app.

When you go to on you mobile phone it will ask you to install the app and it will appear on your mobile phone. Note: Due to Apple’s updates it doesn’t look like the push notifications on the Apple Iphone work, but they may work on an adroid phone. The app will ask if you’d like the to install the app install on your mobile phone, in this case my Apple Iphone. All in all the program did do what it said it was going to do, which is create a mobile app from the website. Note: This app is not in the apple or android store, so no need to pay or register for Apple or Google Developer Accounts. 

If you already have Apple and Google Developer accounts, this won’t be a big selling point for you, but the fact that it was fast and the program did what it said it was going to do, was a good selling point.

Pros: Very fast, works without the hassle of dealing with the Apple and Google mobile app programs. The app changes automatically when you change items on your website, so the mobile app is insync with your website.

Cons: There are only 3 items to make the website, so only 3 items can be changed and of course you don’t have the code to submit to the Apple and Google stores if you want to go that route.

Recommendation: It was quick and easy to create a mobile app. So if you’re in an hurry and don’t need to put your mobile app in the Apple or Google mobile app stores, this should work fine.
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